Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 3, 2016

Magento Pre-order Extension

Magento PreOrder extension helps admin to manage preorder products or orders on the out of stock products.
Magento Pre-order Extension

The business cycle is changing continuously and rapidly, which raises the need of business owners of being updated about customer’s need, want and demand in order to anticipate the future business context and have a sound move in time. Magento Pre-order Extension grants you the ability to evaluate the customers’ product acceptance level through a very simple way.

How It Works

By clicking on “Pre-order” button, customers not only show you their interests in your products but also their abilities to purchase these items. This provides you with the surface knowledge about customers’ preference and financial status, which are very important to the market research progress. All in all, it’s not only about supplying the deficit product quantity properly but also about how you will target the right customers in the future.
  • Only 1 action for activating the extension

  • Easy action to change status into “pre-order”

  • Control well quantity and status of pre-order products

  • Add description for pre-order products


Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 3, 2016

Magento Multi Vendor

Magento multi vendor extension can be considered as one of the hottest magento extensions in an ecommerce market. A vendor signs up an account, they can sell their products manage their ơwn orders, ratings and more.
Magento Multi Vendor

An user registers a vendor account (which is different from a member account), then the vendor will get two accounts, one to access the frontend, and another to access backend vendor panel. The administrator is able to verify vendors' accounts. 
On the frontend, a vendor browses avatar, writes a description. He can also view a list of his products. There is also a link to the backend.
Arriving at the vendor backend panel, vendors will have controls all over essential functions like products, attributes, ratings, tags, and reviews list creation. Besides, vendors view orders’ statistics on their own.
A vendor creates products as they often do in their own shops. They can set up attributes and attributes set. All such information comes to the panel of the main administrator.
It’s easy to configure Magento extension Multi vendor in the backend: just enable or disable.
If you open a shop and you want to introduce vendors selling their own products on your store, this extension will get enough of yours.
  • Vendor Registration

    A user registers a vendor account, the vendor will get two accounts, one to access the frontend, and another to access backend vendor panel.
  • Backend Vendor Features

    Vendors have controls all over basic yet essential functions like creations of products, attributes, ratings, tags, and reviews list
  • Manage Vendor Accounts

    Shop owner takes control of the multi vendor list. The functions of administrator can be done: active/ inactive vendor account, change vendor account to admin account and vice versa and even delete a vendor account if wanted
  • Vendor Registration

    On the front end, a user registers a vendor account (which is different from a member account), the vendor will get two accounts in their mail boxes, one to access the frontend, and another to access backend vendor panel
  • Vendor Infomation

    In short, if you open a shop and you want to introduce vendors selling their own products on your store, this extension will get enough of yours.
  • Vendor's Product detail

    In vendor' product detail show vendor's logo and description, related items are show on the top
  • Vendor's category layout

    The product comes with product name,price and the review
  • Vendor's back-end

    Login as a vendor account, a vendor has a look at review list, order statistics, sales and more
  • Vendor add new product in the vendor panel

  • Main administrator

    A vendor creates products like how they often do in their own shops. They can set up attributes and attributes set. All such information comes to the panel of the main administrator
  • In the vendor backend panel

    Vendors will have controls all over basic yet essential functions like products, attributes, ratings, tags, and reviews list creation. Besides, vendors view orders’ statistics on their own
  • Vendor can add, edit product in the vendor panel

  • Show vendor's list review in the Vendor panel

  • Vendor can  view order statistics and order status

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 3, 2016

Magento Price Matrix Extension

Magento extension price matrix supports a wide range of product’s attributes at different prices, saving user’s choices with orders, serving the print supplier on providing customers at the best options.
Magento Price Matrix Extension

Magento Price Matrix Extension is able to work as an automatically flexible calculator which helps users show up the final price results together from grouped attributes of product with limited quantity in backend to meet customer’s best choice.
In admin panel site, this perfect extension is unlimited Magento custom options for attributes to make price matrix table with its full functionality. It is also simple for you to create attributes of each product by their own options. All of attributes are grouped on vertical or horizontal direction after choosing select all options, they can preview price matrix table before to publish it on frontend.
This magento extension allows users to remove or create new options if needed. While creating new attributes users can add more rows if lacking in price matrix table. Especially, price matrix table can be changed color for its the background and text in configuration system, or change delimiter by users if wanted. The extension can be used with all types of products like simple product, configurable product, virtual product, etc.
In frontend, customers are able to see grouped different prices in attributes of each product on price matrix table .It is easy for them to choose any suitable option included with attribute preview information, then they just enter quantity before adding to cart for checking out.
Now you will know more strong points of Magento Price Matrix Extension when click its Live Demo

  • Enable Price Matrix extension in Admin panel

    User can enable extension in configuration system, then change color for background, text, delimiter , and others.
  • Group types for creating attributes

    In 4 group types below : Text, file, select, date, cmsmart's users will choose Cmsmart matrix to create attributes for price matrix table
  • User can easily choose direction for created attributes

    On the tab price matrix, user can drag and drop attributes in vertical or horizontal direction, then user can select to show all attributes in vertical group or horizontal group
  • User can preview matrix in back-end

    After finished configuration, user can preview matrix table before showing out in frontend
  • Show Price matrix in product detail

    After user are satisfied with price matrix table in preview matrix ,user will show it in product detail on frontend. It is easy for buyer to view and choose price of each product in price matrix table
  • Shopping Cart

    After choosing suitable price of product, customer will add to cart , then product will go to shopping cart with exact detail information, then press Proceed to Checkout to finish
  • Cross-Browser Support

    This extension themes work great with all modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 9+

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 3, 2016

Virtuemart Product Zoom Images

Virtuemart Product Zoom Image plugin gives shopper an ability to magnify an image to have a more detailed view of the product
Virtuemart Product Zoom Images

Joomla Virtuemart Zoom Plugin has recently been developed, to help visitors zoom in or zoom out products’ images, being applied to main images and image thumbnails. The Virtuemart zoom plugin is used when hover the mouse over main images or image thumbnails, coming in two main zoom shapes: circle or square. The thumbnails slider can auto play with speed specified.
The plugin has a number of custom options to change ways that the plugin works such as specifying the main image width and height, using the zoom icon or not. There are three types of zoom shapes: lens, window or inner. It’s easy to change the width and the height of the zoom window, the zoom’s border size, the zoom’s border color. There are options to change the slider's attributes: width, height, thumbnail width, thumbnail height, slide duration. The auto slider can be played automatically or not. Number images per line is added to the slider.

Zoom product image when mouseover. The "Slider" function is also included. Do you have more than 3 additional pictures and there is no enough space to list them all? No problem, the thumbnail slider takes care of them. The additional pictures will be listed inside the slider and this slider comes FREE with the Zoom Effect.

It’s easy to change the width and the height of the zoom window, the zoom’s border size, the zoom’s border color

Admin can display the limited number otf image slides with number more than one piece, two pieces, three pieces, and more… in the slider option

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 3, 2016

Advanced Inventory Extension For Magento

Advanced Inventory Extension for Magento is the most powerful extension, which can significantly facilitate your administrative experience and manage stock system of each store on website.
Advanced Inventory Extension For Magento

This extension not only helps website owner manage multiple stocks for different stores but also allow to manage location, statistics & evaluation information of products in each store.
With powerful admin panel, it’s simple to control, add new store, save, review product and stock quantity in store. Especially, Admin can easily enable/disable store list in backend, arrange report of each store and its order based on status and schedule filter.
Other exciting thing, Magento Inventory Extension integrated with Store Locator Extension, which can help customers easily find their favorite stores. It is also easy to enable/disable geo IP location to search store location quickly or set up radius check location, which allows customers to search stores near their address. Of course, they can also find stores and their address on Store Locator Map. One more important feature that is able to manually assign each order to one store that is conveniently to manage stores.
Now try its LIVE DEMO to get more actual experience. We believe that you will feel more excited with it at first click.